Salmon Production from the Tongass National Forest

**Y O U ‘R E   I N V I T E D**Please join us for a fascinating presentation by Ron Medel, U.S. Forest Service Tongass National Forest Fisheries Program Manager.  Ron’s analysis of publicly available salmon data may surprise you and has implications for all Alaskans–especially resource managers, fishermen and policy makers.  Please see presentation details below.WHAT: “Salmon Production from the Tongass National Forest”  Presentation by Ron Medel (~70 min.)

WHEN:  7 pm, Wednesday, April 3, 2013

WHERE:  Egan Room, Centennial Hall

PLEASE RSVP:  Heather at<>

FOLLOW-UP: The State Capitol Lunch & Learn event on Tongass salmon production led by Ron was live-streamed on Legislative TV and can be found at this web link

The “Tongass Salmon Fact Sheet” Ron refers to can be found here:

Ron Medel 4-3-13 Presentation Poster