All posts by Debbie


SEAKFHP’s NFHP FY26 Request for Project Concept Proposals is Open!  Apply by 5pm Wednesday, MARCH 12th, 2025

The Southeast Alaska Fish Habitat Partnership (SEAKFHP, is soliciting project concept proposals for FY26 NFHP project funding. SEAKFHP works to foster cooperative fish habitat conservation in freshwater and coastal ecosystems across the southern panhandle of Alaska and is a fully recognized coastal partnership under the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP,

Critical to our success is connecting key partners and providing information needed to make sound decisions about conservation of our region’s aquatic resources and habitats. Additionally, our partnership works to address threats impacting fish and their habitats and has a strong interest in building resiliency across the region to support overall productivity and health of fish in this unique part of Alaska.  

As one of 20 federally recognized National Fish Habitat Partnerships, SEAKFHP is eligible to solicit projects for potential project funding made available to grantees annually through oversite and direction of the NFHP Board.  

Eligible Projects: Projects considered for funding address science-based habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement activities that benefit freshwater and coastal aquatic habitats in Southeast Alaska and are addressed under SEAKFHP’s Strategic Action Plan. NFHP funds can be used for on-the-ground habitat projects and related project assessment, design, monitoring and outreach activities. Eligible projects may include riparian or instream habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement; barrier removal or construction; range-wide population or watershed habitat assessments to prioritize and plan habitat conservation; and habitat-related community outreach and education actions.   

We look forward to receiving project proposals to further protect, restore, and enhance our productive freshwater and coastal fish habitats! For any questions, please contact Deborah Hart, SEAKFHP Coordinator, at

The complete funding announcement and all relevant documentation can be found here:

Please note (this meeting has been rescheduled): we will convene a webinar on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 from 2-3pm Alaska Time to discuss the funding opportunity: join us at this Zoom link to learn more….

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 7458 5779
Passcode: 592791


SEAKFHP’s FY25 Request for Project Concept Proposals is Open!  
DEADLINE EXTENDED to Apply is 5pm MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2024

The Southeast Alaska Fish Habitat Partnership (SEAKFHP, is soliciting project concept proposals for FY25 NFHP project funding. SEAKFHP works to foster cooperative fish habitat conservation in freshwater and coastal ecosystems across the southern panhandle of Alaska and is a fully recognized coastal partnership under the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP,

Critical to our success is connecting key partners and providing information needed to make sound decisions about conservation of our region’s aquatic resources and habitats. Additionally, our partnership works to address threats impacting fish and their habitats and has a strong interest in building resiliency across the region to support overall productivity and health of fish in this unique part of Alaska.  

As one of 20 federally recognized National Fish Habitat Partnerships, SEAKFHP is eligible to solicit projects for potential project funding made available to grantees annually through oversite and direction of the NFHP Board.  

Eligible Projects: Projects considered for funding address science-based habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement activities that benefit freshwater and coastal aquatic habitats in Southeast Alaska and are addressed under SEAKFHP’s Strategic Action Plan. NFHP funds can be used for on-the-ground habitat projects and related project assessment, design, monitoring and outreach activities. Eligible projects may include riparian or instream habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement; barrier removal or construction; range-wide population or watershed habitat assessments to prioritize and plan habitat conservation; and habitat-related community outreach and education actions.   

We look forward to receiving project proposals to further protect, restore, and enhance our productive freshwater and coastal fish habitats! For any questions, please contact Deborah Hart, SEAKFHP Coordinator, at

The complete funding announcement and all relevant documentation can be found here:

Please note: we will convene a webinar on Monday, February 12, 2024 from 2-3pm Alaska Time to discuss the funding opportunity: join us at this Zoom link to learn more….

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 7458 5779
Passcode: 592791

2024 Alaska Stream Crossing Virtual Workshop – Increasing Ecological Function and Resiliency

Registration is now live for the 2024 Alaska Stream Crossing Virtual Workshop!

The workshop will take place March 18-21, 2024 10:00am – 3:00pm daily.

This event is free and we are using the Whova event platform to enhance our opportunity to engage with meeting organizers, workshop presenters and attendees.

You can access the Whova app and meeting details here: 2024 Alaska Stream Crossing Workshop – Increasing Ecological Function and Resiliency ( and register here: 2024 Alaska Stream Crossing Workshop – Increasing Ecological Function and Resiliency Registration (

We will also be hosting two book club opportunities to discuss and share thoughts about our keynote speaker, Ben Goldfarb’s book: Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of Our Planet. For those in Anchorage, please join us for a potluck in the (note updated location and date) Spruce/Willow Room BP Energy Center Thursday, March 7, 2024 from 5:30-7:30pm; and for everyone through a virtual gathering on Friday, March 15, 2024 from 3:00-5:00pm (Alaska Time).

Check out the agenda here:

2024 Stream Crossing Workshop Agenda

And please download the Whova Event App – it is a great way to engage with meeting participants, presenters and organizers:

2023 SE AK Watershed Workshop and Webinar Series

Southeast Alaska Watershed Workshop 2023 – Collaboration for the Future.

Overview:  As the Covid pandemic fades away, we are exiting our Covid bubble into a new landscape for watershed stewardship.  Agency and national leaders are promoting a new way of operating, prioritizing restoration, sustainability, community engagement, and indigenous lead Co-Stewardship.  At the same time, tribes and community groups are stepping up the opportunity as existing partnerships ramp up on-the ground restoration work and new partnerships forming to fill the gaps in community led stewardship.    

With this new setting, the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition is hosting Southeast Alaska Watershed Workshop 2023 –  Co-Stewardship and Collaboration for the Future.  

The event will be comprised of 

1.) Short, 1-hour max webinars starting in February to help those new to watershed stewardship “level up.”  

2.) 3-day workshop (March 7-9th, 2023) with interactive presentations and discussions on crosscutting themes

3.) Field training and capacity exchanges throughout summer 2023.

Webinar Details:


SEAKFHP’s FY24 Request for Project Concept Proposals is Open!  
Deadline to Apply is 5pm Wednesday, March 1st, 2023

The Southeast Alaska Fish Habitat Partnership (SEAKFHP, is soliciting project concept proposals for FY24 NFHP project funding. SEAKFHP works to foster cooperative fish habitat conservation in freshwater and coastal ecosystems across the southern panhandle of Alaska and is a fully recognized coastal partnership under the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP,

Critical to our success is connecting key partners and providing information needed to make sound decisions about conservation of our region’s aquatic resources and habitats. Additionally, our partnership works to address threats impacting fish and their habitats and has a strong interest in building resiliency across the region to support overall productivity and health of fish in this unique part of Alaska.  

As one of 20 federally recognized National Fish Habitat Partnerships, SEAKFHP is eligible to solicit projects for potential project funding made available to grantees annually through oversite and direction of the NFHP Board.  

Eligible Projects: Projects considered for funding address science-based habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement activities that benefit freshwater and coastal aquatic habitats in Southeast Alaska and are addressed under SEAKFHP’s Strategic Action Plan. NFHP funds can be used for on-the-ground habitat projects and related project assessment, design, monitoring and outreach activities. Eligible projects may include riparian or instream habitat protection, enhancement, and restoration; barrier removal or construction; range-wide population or watershed habitat assessments to prioritize and plan habitat conservation; and habitat-related community outreach and education actions.   

We look forward to receiving project proposals to further protect, restore, and enhance our productive freshwater and coastal fish habitats! For any questions, please contact Deborah Hart, SEAKFHP Coordinator, at For the complete funding announcement and all relevant documentation found here:

Please note we will convene a webinar on Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 10-11am to discuss the funding opportunity: join us at this Zoom link to learn more….

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 7458 5779
Passcode: 592791

Dial by your location
       +1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 862 7458 5779
Passcode: 592791

September 17th is International Coastal Cleanup Day!

Greetings all – Saturday, September 17th is International Coastal Clean-up Day. Here in Juneau, Alaska we are pitching in to clean-up the Switzer Creek Watershed. Please join us at 9am to gather trash bags – supplied from our friends at Alaska Brewing Co. (via their Coastal Code efforts). We are joining in with our partners at the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition, Juneau Audubon Society, Ratchet Constructs, and Juneau Makerspace to clean-up this important watershed as well as other coastal areas around town. Here are more details:

World Fish Migration Day is this Saturday – May 21st!

On May 21 – 2022 we celebrate the 5th World Fish Migration Day and at this point over 340 events have been registered from over 55 countries. Together with our colleagues around the world we want to save migratory fish in rivers and create real impact for the sake of rivers, fish, wildlife and people. Feel free to register an event too via The bigger this movement becomes the more impact we can make. 

The Southeast Alaska Fish Habitat Partnership (SEAKFHP, and partners will be hosting many regional and local events. Including a walk across the Juneau-Douglas Bridge to raise awareness to fish friendly road-stream crossings and a virtual film festival (details are included in the attached file).

On Saturday morning, May 21, 2022 a number of SEAKFHP partners gathered to celebrate World Fish Migration Day by walking over the Juneau-Douglas bridge to help raise awareness to fish-friendly road-stream crossings! Huge thanks to our many partners who shared their loveable mascots with us (USFS’s Smokey Bear and NOAA’s Ocean Guardian School sea creatures).

Our international partners invite you to join the BREAK FREE Live show on May 21, 2022, with guest appearance from Jeremy Wade (Host River Monsters) and Zeb Hogan (Host Monster Fish). Start: 16:30 hours and End: 18:00 hours (Central European Summertime).


#breakfree, #stayconnected and #letitflow

On behalf of the WFMD team

Kerry Brink (Project Manager WFMD) & Herman Wanningen (Founder WFMD)